In 2023 the Follies Trust completed conservation of the exterior of the Malone mausoleum, Kilbixy, Co Westmeath.
It was a complex and costly project for a small trust run entirely by volunteers.
Richard McLoughlin, from Lotts Architecture and Urbanism, who was the architect in charge of the project will give a lecture on
‘The Conservation of the Malone mausoleum, Kilbixy – the architect’s perspective’ On Thursday 15 February at 6pm in the Irish Architectural Archive, Merrion Square, Dublin.
Eoin Madigan, from Madigan Conservation, contractor for the project will outline the project
‘The Conservation of the Malone mausoleum, Kilbixy – the contractor’s perspective’ On Thursday 21 March at 6pm in the Irish Architectural Archive, Merrion Square, Dublin.
Refreshments will be served from 5.45pm on 15 February & 21 March
Everyone welcome – no charge for lectures but a donation to the Follies Trust would be appreciated.